Talisman for Attract Good Spirits


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據說這位古老的護身符在我們世間的一切努力中都“吸引了好精神”。 該設計由圍繞並保護內部設計的天使生物的名字組成。 這個強大的象徵是在遠古時代攜帶或佩戴的,目的是為了健康,繁榮,好運和保護而聚集好精神。 This ancient talisman is said to "attract the favor of Good Spirits" in all our worldly endeavors. The design consists of the names of Angelic beings who surround and protect the inner design. This powerful symbol was carried or worn in ancient times to gather the help of good spirits for the purposes of health, prosperity, luck and protection.
