Tarot Renard


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From the back of the fox's burrow, an extraordinary journey awaits that will bring you to the gates of your soul or your destiny. Follow the red fur that shows you the way between dark and light, earth and sky, past and future. The creative spark The " Tarot Renard " was born from a wish to honour this animal I find so beautiful, so bold, and who is a symbol of intelligence and independence. But I also wanted to create a deck so sweet that it could be used by grown-ups and by little ones. Lover of tarots and oracles, mother of one little girl who always tries to play with my decks, I took up my brushes and started this creative adventure so that she could use a deck without worries, one with which she can continue to grow and carry with her for long years. This deck is filled with all the magic I hope she will live and all the love I have for her. Welcome to my burrow, traveller. Together, we will travel for a little while in the world of tarot. Hop on my back, we will start with the 22 major arcana. You will meet 22 archetypes tracing the journey of your soul, your spiritual path Then we will discover the 56 minor arcana. You will travel the world of earth and material with Pentacles, the world of water and emotions with Cups, then fire, desire and passions with Wands, and the world of air and intellect with Swords. Are you ready? Grab my fur as I run through tall grass like lightening in the sky. Do not worry each card is numbered and you have distinctive signs that indicate the majors and minors arcanas as well as the suites: cups, wands, swords, pentacles. Everything is indicated on the cards, you will not be lost :)
