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The Children of Ostara Tarot
款式 Style
Limited Gold Edition
Standard Black Edition
已售出: 0
About the Children of Ostara Please note, that all the images in this deck were hand-drawn, by me, using my stylus and Wacom tablet monitor, as one draws with a pen on paper. NO AI WAS USED IN ANY PART OF THIS DECK'S CREATION, nor will it ever be used in any of my decks. I am an artist and I am a human, and I support and produce only human-made art. The Children of Ostara is a project over four years in the making (eight, if you start counting from the creation of The Children of Litha). It is the second installment in The Children of the Wheel Tarot series I am creating. Rest assured! You DO NOT need The Children of Litha Tarot to use or understand The Children of Ostara. It can stand alone perfectly well. What makes this deck series unique, however, is that each deck in The Children of the Wheel series will have the same card back design but entirely new artwork on the front, so that you can switch out cards between the different decks to suit your preferences, or to just bring some new friends to join your metaphysical journey. While the Children of Litha Tarot examines the relationship between man and beast (the fauna), The Children of Ostara explores the relationship between man and plants (the flora), as shown in the following illustrations of The High Priestess and of The Emperor from both decks side by side. Which plants were selected and why? The Children of Ostara is a botanically inspired deck that I fastidiously researched. I paid painstaking attention and care to selecting just the right plant for each card. Choosing the most aesthetically pleasing plants was not the primary criteria, though of course it was a consideration. I also want to pair the card's meaning to the plant's folkloric and symbolic meaning, their magickal uses, elemental correspondences, healing or malefic medicinal uses, natural or biological properties, and in the case of the court-card plants, even their preferred environments, and native growing locations. For a plant to be chosen to represent a card, it needed to match most, if not all of these correspondences. Among other things, this means that the magickal elemental correspondence of the plant matches the elemental association of its paired tarot card. Thus, all the plants in the Suit of Wands are associated with the element fire; all the plants in the Suit of Cups belong to the element water; all plants in the Suit of Swords are air; and all plants in the Suit of Pentacles are earth. This was a particularly important aspect of the deck for me, as someone who uses Tarot as a set of keys, or guides, for all manner of magick, including spell work. This part of the matching process is not as complicated as it sounds, and there is a logic to it. In general, it works like this: Fire/ Wand plants have strong scents and spicy flavors, display bright yellow, red, and orange colors, show an above-average fondness for the sun, and/or act as ingredients in spells for power, success, courage, lust, vitality, or protection. Water/ Cup plants have delicate or sweet smells, store a lot of or grow near/in the water, bear sweet juicy fruits, have deep blue, violet, or light pink colors, and/or act as ingredients in love, healing, compassion, and relationship spells. Air/ Sword plants have sharp scents and bitter flavors, can be used as poisons or medicine, display prominent yellow, white, or light blue colors, and/or act as ingredients in spells bestowing mental clarity, rest, psychic awareness, mental acuity, travel, or problem-solving. Earth/ Pentacle plants have earthy, musky scents, can be used as mild-tasting but filling foods (think Wheat, Corn, and Oats), have prominent green, brown, or gold colors, are below ground bearing foods (think root vegetables), and/or are used in money, grounding, domestic-life, or health spells. All this and more will be explained in the accompanying guidebook that comes with the deck and fits in the box, so you’ll always have an easy reference source! Deck specifications During this campaign, I am offering the opportunity to pledge for either or both the LIMITED Gold Edition of The Children of Ostara, and/or the standard open BLACK Edition. The most obvious difference between the two is that the GOLD edition has gold foil edges and comes with two extra cards of my own invention (80 cards total). The BLACK Edition has black edges and has the standard 78 Tarot cards. Below is a more in-depth look at the physical specifications for each deck. LIMITED GOLD EDITION This version is LIMITED, meaning it WILL NOT be reprinted after the initial order sells out. However, I will order as many as are pledged for during the Kickstarter, and about 1000 extra to sell on my site. After that, when the supply runs out—that’s it. That is all that will ever be printed. Cards Includes 80 fully illustrated cards. These include the full Major & Minor Arcana, as well as two extra cards exclusive to this limited version: “The Above” and “The Below”. Gold foil (gilded) edges Standard tarot size 2.75in x 4.75in (70mm x 120mm) Printed on thick 350 GSM paper Mat-varnish lamination (slippery finish) Above are the pictures of "The Above" and "The Below" cards, exclusive to the limited gold edition. As you can see, these two cards form a complete image when stacked on top of each other. Box Beautifully illustrated, full-color flip box that fits both deck and guidebook, with a magnetic closure. Gold foil details outside and inside. Guidebook Gold foil embellishments on the cover. Fits snugly inside the magnetic flip box with the cards. Contains tarot spreads and tips. Contains written summaries for every card, for both upright and reversed positions. Contains bullet-point meanings for both upright and reversed positions. Contains a corresponding poem that speaks to the meaning of the card and the plant depicted in it. Contains a small, annotated bibliography with further plant lore and meanings for your reference and further research. STANDARD BLACK EDITION Cards Includes 78 fully illustrated cards of the Major and Minor Arcana ONLY. The 2 extra cards are NOT included extra cards in this version. Black matte edges Standard tarot size 2.75in x 4.75in (70mm x 120mm) Printed on thick 350 GSM paper. Velvety-soft matte “rose petal” finish. Box Beautifully illustrated, full-color flip box that fits both deck and guidebook, with a magnetic closure. Guidebook Fits snugly inside the magnetic flip box with the cards. Contains tarot spreads and tips. Contains written summaries for every card, for both upright and reversed positions. Contains bullet-point meanings for both upright and reversed positions. Contains a corresponding poem that speaks to the meaning of the card and the plant depicted in it. Contains a small, annotated bibliography with further plant lore and meanings for your reference and further research.