Throat Chakra Balancing Spray 2oz


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當喉輪過度活躍時,我們可以毫無同情心或無聊地談論別人的說話。 當喉輪關閉時,我們害怕與世界分享自己的真實內心,因為害怕被拒絕。 當保持平衡時,我們不僅說出真相,而且也聽到和接受它。 喉輪不平衡可導致甲狀腺問題,喉嚨痛,頸部疼痛和月潰瘍。 薰衣草和鼠尾草與平衡喉輪有關。 When the throat chakra is overactive we can speak without compassion or interest in what others have to say. When the throat chakra is closed we are afraid to speak and share our true selves with the world for fear of rejection. When balanced we not only speak the truth but hear and accept it as well. Thyroid issues, sore throat, neck pain and month ulcers can result from an imbalanced throat chakra. Lavender and Sage are associated with balancing the throat chakra.
