Time Lord: Seal Of Power


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時間之王是起源於加利弗里行星的類人生物種族。 他們能夠通過長時間暴露在時間漩渦中而進入並操縱時間。 這種啟發性的設計展示了我們真實存在的複雜性,既是認可的象徵,也是力量的象徵。The Time Lords are a race of humanoids originating on the planet Gallifrey. They are able to travel in, and, manipulate time through prolonged exposure to the Time Vortex. The Time Lords become the masters of time travel when the scientist Omega, creates an energy source to power their experiments in time. The founder of Time Lord Society, however, and its most revered figure, is Rassilon. Rassilon’s name reverberates through Time Lord Legend and culture, and is applied to many artifacts of power. This Inspired Design shows the complexity of our true existence and is a Symbol of Recognition as well as a Symbol Of Power.
