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VALKNUT绒布袋 VALKNUT velvet bag
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符號VALKNUT除了與死亡之神奧丁息息相關,同時也隱含了生命的記號,有學者相信VALKNUT 3個三角形頂點分別代表了「生命的開始」、「生命的未來」及「生命的終結」。然而,隨着時間、文化環境的轉變,「3」的意義開始有着更多的解讀,包括三項宇宙運行的法則「創造、保存、循環」、人類存在的地方「天堂、地球、地獄」、基督教的重要概念「父、子、聖靈」、生命基本元素「空氣、水、火」、時間的維度「過去、現在、未來」,以及個人修煉的部分「身、心、靈」等等。 布袋大小:13cmx18cm The symbol VALKNUT is not only closely related to Odin, the god of death, but also implies the sign of life. Some scholars believe that the three triangle vertices of VALKNUT represent "the beginning of life", "the future of life" and "the end of life." However, with the change of time and cultural environment, the meaning of "3" began to have more interpretations, including the three laws of universe operation "creation, preservation, circulation", the place where humans exist "heaven, earth, hell", The important concepts of Christianity are "Father, Son, Holy Spirit", the basic elements of life "air, water, and fire", the dimension of time "past, present, and future", and the part of personal cultivation "body, mind, and spirit" and so on. Bag size: 13cmx18cm
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