Van Van 靈霧噴霧 - 清除堵塞、打開通道、改變運氣


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它的歷史可以追溯到 1700 年代末至 1800 年代初,是最古老、最受歡迎的魔法石林油之一。 “據說,曾經,一個人走在(新奧爾良)阿爾及爾區的街道上,不可能不聞到 Van Van 油的香味。萬用 Van Van 由芳香的東方草製成,非常適合用來裝飾護身符和護身符,並被譽為“掃除家門口的邪惡、轉壞運為好運、打開新機遇之路”。 Van Van Oil 對於那些在感到受阻時希望在生活中開闢新道路的人來說非常有用。 這是我們自己對經典 Hoodoo 油的改造,使用配方中的許多經典元素來生產強大的多用途靈丹妙藥,幫助您前進,清除負能量,並重新開始。 釋放、寬恕、並把過去的事擦乾淨。 帶著祝福和豐盛的歡迎。 盡情享受靈霧噴霧的魅力。 現在,無論您走到哪裡,您都可以隨身攜帶一點魔法,謹慎地表達您的意圖,吸引好運和積極性,同時聞起來神聖。 4盎司。 Dating as far back as the late 1700s to the early 1800s, it's one of the oldest and most popular magical Hoodoo oils. "At one time, it is said, a person could not walk down a street in the Algiers district (of New Orleans) without smelling the scent of Van Van oil. Prepared from aromatic Oriental grasses, all-purpose Van Van is favored for dressing Amulets and Charms and is reputed to Clear Evil from the Door-Step, Change Bad Luck to Good, and Open the Way to New Opportunities. Van Van Oil is great for those wishing to open new pathways in their lives when feeling blocked. This is our own spin on a classic Hoodoo oil using many of the classic elements in the recipe to produce a powerful multipurpose elixir to help you move forward, clear negative energy, and begin anew. Release, forgive, and wipe the slate clean. welcome in blessings and abundance. Indulge in the power of enchantment with Spiritual Mist Sprays. Now you can bring a little magick with you wherever you go, discreetly manifesting your intentions and attracting luck and positivity, all while smelling divine. 4 oz.
