Wheel of Hecate


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赫卡特的輪子[Greek- Strophalos]是古希臘的象徵,是月亮女神赫卡特及其三重女神形象的象徵。第二世紀的文字“迦勒底甲骨文”將符號描述為圍繞中央螺旋線的迷宮蛇(重生和更新); “ Iynges:神秘的生物,其名字可以翻譯為Wheels或Whirls:神聖思想的象徵”的象徵。今天,Wheel Recon或Wicca Dianic Traditions的修煉者使用該Wheel標誌作為宗教的標誌。識別。 Hecate的其他符號包括;火炬,狗,鑰匙,蛇,當然還有十字路口。赫卡特(Hecate)是統治著大地,海洋和天空的強大月球女神。許多現代女巫將她與處女,母親和克朗的概念聯繫在一起:代表了女性生活的三個階段。赫卡特(Hecate)被視為保護神,將家庭的繁榮與福分賦予了自己。邀請這位強大的女神進入您的生活-她的力量不可否認。 Hecate’s wheel [Greek- Strophalos,] is an ancient Greek symbol, an emblem of the Moon Goddess Hecate and her Triple Goddess aspect. The second century text, “The Chaldean Oracle,” describes the symbol as a labyrinthine Serpent (Rebirth and Renewal) surrounding a central Spiral; symbolic of the “Iynges: mysterious beings whose names may be translated as Wheels or Whirls: emanations of Divine Thought.) Today, this Wheel symbol is used by practitioners of “Hellenic Recon,” or Dianic Traditions of Wicca, as a sign of religious identification. Other symbols of Hecate include; torches, dogs, keys, serpents, and of course, the crossroads. Hecate is a Powerful Lunar Goddess who rules over the Earth, Sea, and Sky. Many modern Witches associate her with the concept of Maiden, Mother, and Crone: representing the 3 phases of the female life. Hecate is worshiped as a Protective Goddess, who bestowed Prosperity and Blessings on the family. Invite this Powerful Goddess into your life- her strength is undeniable.
