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Wicca Book of Spells
已售出: 1
Have you ever wondered what real magic looks like? Are you looking for an effective and practical ultimate guide to start exploring how Wiccans and witches protect themselves, call down good luck, and divine the truth? Then Keep reading! All the answers you want are in this book. Inside you will find spells in a wide range of categories from luck spells to love spells to banishing spells. Not only that, but you’ll learn how to protect yourself and your loved ones from negative energy and magical attack. This book will not only teach you over twenty different spells across twelve different topics. It also provides all of the basics a new witch needs to understand their magical practice. A step by step guide walks practitioners through the structure of a spell from start to finish. Every tool a beginning witch needs is covered in detail, as well as a few uncommon ones. Readers will get the basics on everything from stones and herbs – and why witches love them so much – to wands and talismans. They will also bet an overview on creating their own Book of Shadows to track the spells they cast and the results they see. Witches will learn about the phases of the moon and how they relate to the Wiccan Goddess’ three aspects of Maiden, Mother, and Crone. You will discover: Learn how to summon and encourage creativity across any medium Find out the secret to confidence-boosting candle magic to help you shine in and out of the bedroom Protect yourself and your loved ones from angry spirits and negative energy Get to know every tool, step, and trick you’ll need to cast the perfect spell Enchant objects for a variety of uses including attracting friends, diving answers, and detecting lies Banish unwanted energy and their toxic sources without directing harm at another person Summon creative energy whenever you need, for any project of any variety And much more! The spells in this book follow the Wiccan rule of “An’ it harms none, do what ye will” as set out in the Wiccan Rede, which governs all Wiccans. Each spell was designed to help newcomers to Wiccan witchcraft hone their skills and find the kind of magic that works best for them. In each section, practitioners will find a list of tools and ingredients, a detailed walk-through, any necessary incantation, and any non-magical steps practitioners should take to support their spellwork. Readers will find moon spells, crystal spells, and herb spells and more. They will find spells to attract love, increase their confidence in bed, and improve their communication skills. From health and wellness to summoning creative energy and opportunities, there is a spell for everyone in this book. Esther Arin Spells, with decades of experience, has a very simple and straightforward approach and will guide you to discover the magic of Wicca. Discover the Secrets of Wicca Spells!