Wild Vixen 滾珠香水油,含有精油和信息素,可增強自信、熱情和吸引力 Wild Vixen Roll-On Perfume Oil with Essential Oils & Pheromones for Confidence, Passion & Attraction


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想要散發自信,放下頭髮,享受樂趣嗎?嘗試一點我們的 Wild Vixen 滾珠信息素香水油,這是一種完美的精油混合物,旨在放鬆抑制並增強自信。由玫瑰精油製成、檀香、乳香、小荳蔻、薰衣草和相關精油,我們的Wild Vixen Roll-On 具有令人愉悅的泥土香味和新鮮野花的香氣。我們還添加了我們最喜歡的兩種信息素Estratetraenol 和Pregnenolone,它們因其功效而聞名我們的 Wild Vixen 滾珠信息素香水油採用 1/3 盎司滾珠瓶裝,讓男士產生積極的反應。 作為古玩出售。僅供外用。遠離兒童和寵物。 Want to radiate confidence, let down your hair and have fun? Try a dab of our Wild Vixen Roll-On Pheromone Perfume Oil, a perfect blend of essential oils designed to loosen inhibitions and boost self-assurance.Made from the essential oils of rose, sandalwood, frankincense, cardamon, lavender, and related oils, our Wild Vixen Roll-On has a delightfully earthy scent combined with the aromas of fresh wild flowers. We also included our two favorite pheromones, Estratetraenol and Pregnenolone which are celebrated for their ability to create a positive response in men. Our Wild Vixen Roll-On Pheromone Perfume Oil comes in 1/3 oz. roll-on bottle. Sold as a Curio. For external use only. Keep away from children and pets.
