black opium香薰粒 Black Opium Kamini cone


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醉人同催眠 來自卡米尼的黑鴉片香錐用於打開通往其他領域的大門。這種香甜的熏香實際上不含任何鴉片,而是混合了幾種香草和精油,可以鎮靜心靈,促進深度睡眠。它的香味具有精神作用。它被用於強大的薩滿教儀式中,以引發清醒的夢境和預言的幻象。它有助於集中註意力並提高注意力。它在冥想期間非常有用,因為它有助於很容易地達到改變的心態。燃燒一筒黑鴉片,讓夢想向你招手。 intoxieating, sensual & hypnotie scent Black Opium incense cones from Kamini are used to open doors to other realms. This sweet smelling incense doesn’t actually contain any opium, but is a blend of several aromatic herbs and essential oils that calm the mind and induce deep sleep. Its fragrance has a psychoactive effect. It is used in powerful shamanic rituals to induce a state of lucid dreaming and prophetic visions. It helps to focus the mind and improves concentration. It is extremely useful during meditation as it helps in achieving an altered state of mind very easily. Burn a cone of Black Opium and let the dreams beckon you.
