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iN2IT Oracle Zodiac 108
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Our newest oracle deck, the Zodiac 108 is an incredible addition to the iN2IT family of oracle cards. Like our original iN2IT Oracle w/Bonus Trio (2nd Edition), this deck offers 108 object based images to help you access the subconscious mind and uses a plethora of keywords on the face of the cards which "jump out at you" as your inner knowing recognizes the appropriate words for your situation. The Zodiac 108 is organized into 12 zodiac suits with 9 cards in each suit that read very much like numerology and tarot. And an object or item represents the energy of the zodiac sign crossed with the numerological meaning. Each card contains six lines of keywords or phrases to serve as a starting point for gaining intuitive insights. When asked what the differences are between this deck and our original iN2IT Oracle, we'd have to say it's energy is different. It is the PERFECT complement it's sister deck and they can be used interchangeable, although the Zodiac 108 has quite a few cards that are more "global" (big picture) concepts and is really helpful for day-to-day questions on business and geopolitical guidance as WELL as relationships. For those of you who like lots of cards, you are going to love all of our decks! This reward is for TWO Zodiac 108 decks. Each deck features: • 108 Cards • 21 Bonus Cards • High-end casino card stock • Semi-gloss aqueous coating • Linen finish for easy shuffling and riffling • Trump-sized cards (62x100mm) • Elegant one-part box with magnetic flap • Ribbon lift for easy card retrieval • Gemstones to clear and protect
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