iN2IT Twin Flame Oracle Deck


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Our iN2IT Twin Flame Oracle Cards w/Messages from your Beloved was designed and created to empower you and support you in love relationships, especially in the oftentimes challenging catalytic heart awakening twin flame soul journey. We know that being on the twin flame journey can be frustrating, overwhelming, confusing and complicated! As a sacred counterpart, coming into your own feminine masculine balance is critical to manifesting the highest kind of physical twin flame union possible with your Beloved. That's what we had in mind when we created our twin flame oracle cards! Our twin flame oracle deck aims to provide you with higher guidance and insight into what your twin flame, twin soul, soul mate, sacred counterpart, divine love, is feeling or experiencing at any given time which may influence your connection. It can also provide you with messages from your Higher Self when things are unclear about your own feelings. By using our twin flame messages deck to gain new understandings and higher perspectives on life situations, you can unlearn old stories and patterns, and find new ways to look at things. This brings you self empowerment, clarity, peace and enlightenment, as well as encouragement and hope during times of separation. And, using our twin flame oracle cards can be quite instrumental in helping to create the physical union you seek. Wondering what your special someone is really thinking? Looking for insights into what your situation is right now? Seeking a deck to add to your collection dealing specifically with twin flames, sacred partners, soulmates or that special someone? Or maybe you want messages from your Higher Self!? These beautiful twin flame and soulmate oracle cards contain 122 oracle cards ~ 11 suits of 11 cards each. This oracle deck also include an 11:11 Twin Flame Bonus Card. Each suit addresses different types of messages to include the following: Communication: Saying how we feel to someone who means the world to us is sometimes difficult. Find out what your beloved or significant other is thinking or would like to say to you that they might be having a hard time expressing. Romance: Attraction is an important part of the love equation. How is your beloved or significant other feeling about you from a more physical aspect of your love connection? Mission: Our life's work is one of the most important reasons we are here and a can be a great motivator for coming into union with our beloved or divine counterpart. What message does your beloved have for you around deeper reasons for being together? Patterns: Recognizing, overcoming, and breaking behavioral or thought patterns is a critical part of coming into wholeness and balance. What does your beloved wish for you to know about those patterns for either (or both) of you? Trust: In order to open our hearts fully, it is important to achieve a high level of trust in the other person. What twin flame messages does your beloved or divine counterpart have around the ability to trust? Growth: In order for souls to connect at the highest levels, they need to overcome fears and expand their consciousness. What is your divine counterpart or beloved working to overcome or trying to expand at this time? Mirrors: Often our beloved helps us see what we cannot see for ourselves. What message is your beloved or twin flame trying to communicate that will help you get a clearer idea of where projections are happening. Union: Coming together in union can happen at many different levels from energetic to physical. What is your beloved or significant other's perspective on what you need to know about your union? Karmic Ties: Like it or not, our beloveds can have karmic situations they are contracted to complete in this lifetime. What would your beloved or sacred counterpart wish you to know about their karmic situations right now? Telepathy: Those with divine connection resonate at similar frequencies and communicate without words. What is your twin flame or beloved feeling around the energetic connection? Timing & Intension: Everyone wants to know when their beloved or twin flame is going to be making changes or shifting into new states of being. What is your beloveds intentions with moving into a different level of connection?
