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修復關係娃娃法術套件巫毒娃娃 Mend a Relationship Poppet Spell Kit Voodoo Doll
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該套件旨在治癒受損的關係,這不僅限於浪漫關係,還包括友誼和家庭以及任何涉及無條件愛的伙伴關係。 娃娃是一種非常特殊的魔法物品,形狀像洋娃娃。 這個娃娃用於代表一個人並為拼字創造另一個人的肖像。 它特別用於治療和保護。 許多不同的魔法路徑都包括娃娃,並且通常有不同的名稱,例如巫毒娃娃或戀物癖。 娃娃通常充滿草藥、水晶或其他魔法物品,以使法術更加強大。 _______________________________________________________________ 該套件包括: - 一個粉紅色娃娃 - 一支粉紅蠟燭 - 一個藥草包,內含對應的法術藥草混合物 - 兩塊寶石:粉晶和月光石(尺寸和形狀與照片不同) - 帶有提升咒語說明的手寫捲軸(隨意偏離咒語,只要您認為合適。這可能意味著為您的特定道路召喚神或女神,或添加更多草藥或水晶,並更改單詞以更好地滿足您的需求, ETC。 -每個提升閥均 100% 手工縫製。 - 每一件都是由毛氈製成,觸感柔軟 -提升閥高約 7 英寸 -此項目是訂做。 - 提升閥胃的一側在接縫處敞開,中間沒有填充物。 我把它留成這樣,這樣你就可以放置藥草包、水晶或咒語所需的任何其他東西。 您可以隨後將其縫合或用織物膠或強力膠(不包含在供貨範圍內)粘合。 This kit is designed to heal a damaged relationship, this is not limited to just romantic relationships, this includes friendships and family and any partnership dealing with unconditional love. A poppet is a very special magical item shaped like that of a doll. This doll is used to represent a person and create a likeness of another for spellwork. It is especially used for healing and protection. Many different magical paths include poppets and often go by different names, such as Voodoo Doll or Fetish. Poppets are often filled with herbs, crystals or other magical items to make spellwork more powerful. _______________________________________________________________ This kit includes: -one pink poppet -one pink chime candle -one herb satchel with corresponding spell herb mixture -Two stones: rose quartz & moonstone (size and shape my vary from the photo) -A handwritten scroll with poppet spell instructions(feel free to deviate from the spell as you see fit. This may mean calling upon gods or goddesses for your particular path, or adding more herbs or crystals, and changing the words to better fit your needs, etc.) -Each Poppet is 100% hand sewn. -Each one is made out of felt, the are soft to the touch -poppet is approx 7 inches tall -This item is made to order. - One side of the poppet's stomach has been left open at the seam, the middle is unfilled with stuffing. I leave it this way so you to put the herb satchel, crystals or whatever else the spell calls for. You can either sew it up afterward or glue it with fabric glue or super glue(not included).
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