分離 14 天準備蠟燭 Separation 14 Day Prepared Candle


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點燃我們的 Separation 14 Day Prepared 蠟燭,將兩個人分開。 每根蠟燭都準備好並密封在蠟燭的頂部。 包括背面的英語和西班牙語祈禱文。 這支蠟燭將燃燒大約 240 小時。 尺寸為 4 英寸寬和 9 英寸高。 Burn our Separation 14 Day Prepared candle to separate two people from each other. Each candle is prepared and sealed on the top of the candle. Includes prayer in English and Spanish on the back. This candle will burn for approximately 240 hours. Measures 4" Wide and 9" Tall.

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