吉普賽消除乳液-消除負面能量,帶來最高品質能量 Gypsy Wagon Lotion- Smooths Away Negative Energies for The Highest Good


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檸檬是一種天然的清潔劑,具有純淨和愛的品質。檸檬象徵著人類的心靈,光明和愛。檸檬除鎮定和幸福感外,還可以帶來治愈和愛的感覺。因此,考慮到這一點,似乎檸檬是幫助進行精力和精神清潔的理想劑。我的吉普賽檸檬乳液可清潔和保護您和您的能量。 Lemon is a natural cleanser with qualities of purification and love. The lemon symbolizes the human heart, light and love. Lemon is known to bring in feelings of healing and love in addition to calming and a sense of well-being. So, with this in mind, it seems only fitting that lemon would be the ideal agent to help with energetic and spiritual cleansing. My Gypsy Lemon Lotion is made to clean and protect you and your energy. Charged with; Sunshine Aura Quartz - Clear Quartz bonded with Gold and Platinum; creates a bright yellow crystal with an iridescent gleam. Its energy is powerful and extremely active, wonderful for stimulating and cleansing the Solar Plexus Chakra. It heals old hurts and traumas, and overcomes a sense of disappointment with life, or bitterness at the lack of opportunities. Placed in the center of any healing crystal layout, Sunshine Aura infuses the whole system with health and energy. At a spiritual level, it is expansive and protective, inspiring optimism, natural joy and spontaneity. It encourages laughter and releasing one’s inner child. Sunshine Aura is considered powerfully positive for removing toxins, relieving constipation and aiding digestive issues. It is thought to be most beneficial in assisting treatments for the pancreas, liver, spleen, gall bladder and the nervous system. It helps to bring the body into balance, and may be used in treating Seasonal Affective Disorder and to aid absorption of vitamins A, D and E.

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