購物滿 HKD 880.00即享免運費優惠!(適用於 本地送貨 )



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停止感冒和呼吸系統疾病,用以增強呼吸系統的草藥包括滑榆,艾坎,香菜花,牛膝草,凡爾賽,甘草,野櫻桃樹皮,橘皮和款冬。 散茶,一包足夠5杯以上。 (不能替代醫生的護理。)美國製造。 Stops colds and respiratory ailments, herbs to strengthen the respiratory system includes slippery elm, elecampane, comfrey, hyssop, vervain, licorice, wild cherry bark, orange peel and coltsfoot. Loose tea, one package is enough for 5 + cups. (Not to be used as a substitute for a doctor's care.) Made in USA.

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