回寄件者魔法香水 Return To Sender Magick Perfume


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我是橡膠,你是膠水 無論你說什麼都會從我身上反彈並黏在你身上! 我想我們在成長過程中都聽過這樣的話——你不想在現實生活中有辦法做到這一點嗎? 需要一個裝在瓶子裡的小迴力鏢來反射任何向你襲來的咒語、詛咒、負能量或壞東西嗎? Return to Sender 是 Hoodoo 的一個古老的表述方式——它就像一面鏡子,反射出你遇到的任何事情。 它不會詛咒任何人,也不會給沒有發送負面垃圾的人帶來任何不好的能量,所以不用擔心發出任何不值得的東西——任何甜蜜、充滿愛的能量來到你身邊也會得到回報! 像噴香水一樣噴在脈搏處,添加到魔力袋中以提供保護,或在家中或工作場所噴灑霧氣以驅除負能量並保護自己。 I am rubber, you are glue Whatever you say bounces off of me and sticks to you! I think we've all heard that growing up - wouldn't you like to have a way to do that in real life? Need a little boomerang in a bottle to reflect back any hexes, curses, negative energy, or bad stuff coming your way? Return to Sender is an old Hoodoo formulation for all that - it acts like a mirror to reflect back whatever is coming your way. It won't curse anyone or put any bad energy onto anyone that hasn't sent that negative junk so no worries about putting out anything that isn't deserved - any sweet, loving energy coming to you will be returned as well! Wear on pulse points like you would a perfume, add to a mojo bag for protection, or mist your home or workspace to repel negative energy and protect yourself.
