地球母親蓋亞雕像 Mother Earth Gaia Statue


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維羅內塞蓋亞雕像是一座美麗的雕像,以希臘地球女神蓋亞為特色。 這款雕像採用冷鑄青銅製成,細節豐富,是任何裝飾的絕佳點綴。 雕像高約 9.25 英寸,非常適合展示在壁爐架、書架或桌子上。 憑藉其複雜的設計和令人驚嘆的飾面,維羅內塞蓋亞雕像必將成為未來幾年的話題和珍貴的藝術品。 身為所有生命之母,蓋亞是希臘神話中的羅馬泰拉瑪特(地球母親)、安地斯山帕查瑪瑪、印度教普里特維、霍皮人科揚烏提和印度教神塔瓦的對應物,他們與蓋亞一起形成了地球及其所有的生命體。居民。 特徵: 材質:冷鑄青銅 獨特的複雜設計 精湛工藝 尺寸:17.50公分(高)x 9公分(寬)x 181公分(深) The Veronese GAIA Figurine is a beautiful statue that features the Greek goddess of the Earth, GAIA. Made using cold cast bronze, this figurine is highly detailed and is an excellent addition to any decor. The statue stands at a height of approximately 9.25 inches, making it a perfect size for display on a mantel, bookshelf, or desk. With its intricate design and stunning finish, the Veronese GAIA Figurine is sure to be a conversation starter and a cherished piece of art for years to come. As the mother of all life, Gaia was the Greek counterpart of the Roman Terra Mater (mother Earth), the Andean Pachamama, the Hindu Prithvi, the Hopi Kokyangwuti, and the Hindu god Tawa, who together with Gaia formed the Earth and all its inhabitants. Features: Material: Cold Cast Bronze Unique intricate design Great craftsmanship Dimension: 17.50cm (H) x 9cm(w) x 181cm (D)

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