購物滿 HKD 880.00即享免運費優惠!(適用於 本地送貨 )

塔羅鋯石吊墜 Tarot Zircon Pendant

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產品材質:銅、鋯石 產品尺寸:30x15x2.5mm 愚者:天真、新的開始、自由的精神 魔術師:意志力、慾望、創造、顯現 女祭司:直覺的、無意識的、內在的聲音 女皇:母性、生育能力、自然 皇帝:權威、結構、控制、父權 教皇:傳統、順從、道德、倫理 戀人:夥伴關係、二元性、聯合 戰車:方向、控制、意志力 力量:內在力量,勇敢 隱士:沉思,尋求真理,內在指導 命運之輪:變化、循環、不可避免的命運 正義:因果、清晰、真理 倒吊人:犧牲、釋放、殉難 死亡:循環的結束,開始,變化,變形 Thr Temperance:中庸之道、耐心、尋找意義 魔鬼:成癮、物質主義、嬉戲 塔:突然的動盪,破碎的驕傲,災難 星星:希望、信念、復興 月亮:無意識、幻覺、直覺 太陽:快樂、成功、慶祝、積極 審判:反思、清算、覺醒 世界:圓滿、和諧、圓滿 The Fool: innocence, new beginnings, free spirit The Magician : willpower, desire, creation, manifestation The High Priestess : intuitive, unconscious, inner voice The Empress: motherhood, fertility, nature The Emperor: authority, structure, control, fatherhood The Hierophant: tradition, conformity, morality, ethics The Lovers: partnerships, duality, union The Chariot: direction, control, willpower The Strength: inner strength, bravery The Hermit: contemplation, search for truth, inner guidance The Wheel of Fortune: change, cycles, inevitable fate The Justice: cause and effect, clarity, truth The Hanged Man: sacrifice, release, martyrdom The Death: end of cycle, beginnings, change, metamorphosis Thr Temperance: middle path, patience, finding meaning The Devil: addiction, materialism, playfulness The Tower: sudden upheaval, broken pride, disaster The Star: hope, faith, rejuvenation The Moon: unconscious, illusions, intuition The Sun: joy, success, celebration, positivity The Judgement: reflection, reckoning, awakening The World : fulfillment, harmony, completion

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