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太陽身體 + 室內噴霧 The Sun Body + Room Spray


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這款噴霧的靈感來自塔羅牌太陽,象徵著在艱難時期後的平靜和快樂。檸檬、薰衣草和依蘭的香味,以提升能量、促進放鬆和增加能量而聞名。水晶注入了日光石,清潔所有脈輪並照亮您的心情! 用途:可作為純天然香水噴灑在身體上或整個日常空間。 成分:檸檬 eo、薰衣草 eo、依蘭 eo、日光石 手工製作的外觀可能略有不同。2 盎司 This spray is inspired by the tarot card the sun, which signifys feelings of peace and joy after a hard time. Scented with lemon, lavender and ylang-ylang which are know for uplifting energy, promoting relaxation and increasing energy. Crystal Infused with sunstone which cleanse all chakras and brightens your mood! Uses: Can be sprayed on the body as an all natural perfume or throughout your everyday space. Ingredients: lemon eo, lavender eo, ylang-ylang eo, sunstone Handmade-look may vary slightly.2oz

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