奧裡莎·耶瑪亞雕像 6 英寸 Orisha Yemaya Statue 6"


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奧裡莎·葉瑪雅 (Orisha Yemaya) 是母親的奧裡莎和海洋女王。 6 英寸樹脂 Orisha Yemaya 雕像 作為最古老且廣為人知的奧裡莎(orisha)(與元素相關的強大而原始的精神實體)之一,耶瑪亞以其滋養之愛、情感治癒、幫助生育和保護能量而聞名。 Orisha Yemaya is the Orisha of motherhood and Queen of the Sea. 6" Resin Orisha Yemaya Statue As one of the oldest and widely known orisha (powerful, primordial spiritual entities associated with the elements), Yemayá is known for her nurturing love, emotional healing, help with fertility, and protective energies.
