女巫釀造邪眼許願草藥小蠟燭 Witch's Brew Evil Eye Votives


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羨慕的圍觀群眾走開! 其他人可能覬覦你的成功,但你已經為他們做好準備了。 這款藍色女巫釀造邪惡之眼許願蠟燭注入了納扎爾護身符的保護。 祝福:我透過視覺、聲音、觸覺和嗅覺編織這個咒語。 透過大地、水、空氣和火,這個魔法將孕育出一張保護網。 以女士和主的名義,我鑄造了這個堅不可摧的屏障。 Envious onlookers be gone! Others may covet your success, but you're ready for them. This blue Witch's Brew Evil Eye Votive Candle is infused with the protection of the Nazar amulet. Blessing: I weave this spell through sight, sound, touch, and smell. Through earth, water, air, and fire, a web of protection this magic will sire. By the Lady and the Lord, I cast this impenetrable ward.
