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女神之油用於浪漫、激情、承諾和誘惑 Goddess of Love Oil for Romance, Passion, Commitment & Seduction
已售出: 9
我們的愛情女神油是一種神奇的混合物,與愛情女神和一般愛情女神有著悠久的聯繫。在尋找新的愛情時使用它,加強你目前的愛情,增加一個人的個人魅力和魅力,並培養更深層次的性感和誘惑。我們的愛情女神油包含 6 種不同的神聖草藥,這些草藥在歷史上與我們最喜愛的愛情女神有關:奧順、阿斯塔特、布里吉德、索奇奎扎爾、維納斯和 Qetesh。1/玻璃瓶。 愛神油有什麼作用: 加強現有關係並加深承諾。 吸引新的浪漫伴侶。 增強誘惑力、誘惑力和性慾。 祈求愛之女神的力量來促進任何與愛情相關的儀式。 愛神油的成分是什麼: 它包括橙子、萬壽菊、蒲公英、金合歡、荳蔻和玫瑰。 如何使用愛情女神油: 女神油可以抹在身上, 塗抹在珠寶或聖物上,塗抹在祭壇上,或塗抹在鞋後跟上。在結識新朋友或外出約會之前使用一些在手上。在名片上塗抹一些或滴幾滴在棉球上,放在你的錢包裡。在你的前門擦一些,把愛帶進你的家。在一些幹玫瑰花瓣和橙子皮上滴幾滴,做你自己的花香。在你的抽屜裡輕拍一些最私密的物品。 如何在法術或儀式中使用愛之女神油: 對於強大的愛情蠟燭儀式,準備六支白色茶燈和一支粉紅色蠟燭。在每盞茶燈上塗抹一點愛情女神油。在茶燈頂部,沿著燈芯順時針方向輕輕塗抹油。用這些燈畫一個圓圈。在你的粉紅色蠟燭上,刻上你的名字和任何你想要達到的目標。用你的手指用少許油塗抹蠟燭。燈芯。將這支蠟燭放在燭台上,然後在圓圈的中心。準備好後,點亮茶燈,然後點亮粉色蠟燭。祈禱並觀想!我還推薦閱讀所羅門之歌。 Our Goddess of Love Oil is a fantastic blend with a long history of being associated with both Goddesses of Love and love in general. Use it when seeking new love, to strengthen your current love, increase one's sense of personal charm and allure, and to develop a deeper sense of sensuality and seduction. Our Goddess of Love Oil includes 6 different sacred herbs that have historically been associated with our favorite love Goddesses: Oshun, Astarte, Brigid, Xochiquetzal, Venus, and Qetesh. It comes in a ½ oz. glass bottle. What does Goddess of Love Oil do: Strengthen current relationships and deepen commitment. Draw in new romantic partners. Enhance seduction, allure, and sexuality. Petition the power of Goddesses of Love to boost any love-related ritual. What are the ingredients in Goddess of Love Oil: It includes orange, marigold, dandelion, acacia, cardamom, and rose. How to use Goddess of Love Oil: Goddess of Love Oil can be worn on the body, anointed on jewelry or sacred objects, rubbed on an altar, or dabbed in the heel of your shoes. Use some on your hands prior to meeting new people or before going out on a date. Dab some on your business cards or put a few drops on a cotton ball and carry it in your purse. Rub some on your front door to draw love into your home. Place a few drops on some dried rose petals and orange rinds and make your own potpourri. Dab some in your drawer that holds your most intimate items. How to use Goddess of Love Oil in a Spell or Ritual: For a powerful love candle ritual, get six white tea lights and a pink candle. Anoint each tea light with a bit of Goddess of Love Oil. On the top of the tea light, gently apply the oil in a clockwise direction around the wick. Create a circle with these lights. On your pink candle, carve your name and anything you wish to achieve. Anoint the candle with the oil by rubbing your fingers with a touch of oil. Then, draw the oil up the candle from the bottom toward the wick. Place this candle in a candle holder and then in the center of the circle. When you are ready, light the tea lights and then the pink candle. Say a prayer and visualize! I also recommend reading the Song of Solomon.