女神赫卡忒與獵犬雕像 Goddess Hecate with Hounds statue


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也許這隻狗是赫卡特的動物夥伴中最著名的。 在她古老的宗教信仰中,狗作為她的伙伴與她聯繫在一起,並作為祭品獻給她。 她的“地獄獵犬”被視為守衛著通往地下世界的大門。 在一些著作中,她也被認為是犬科動物,要么是單身狗,要么是三頭犬。 黑狗在古代尤其是赫卡特的象徵,就像希臘魔法紙莎草紙中“殘月的咒語”中的這一段:“她的魚片、鑰匙、魔杖、鐵輪、黑狗。 除了作為自發信使的角色之外,我們還可以通過其他魔法方式獲取赫卡特獵犬的地下世界能量。 作為我們個人地下世界的伴侶,我們可以召喚他們作為保護者。 當我們需要召喚自己內心的兇猛時,我們可以利用他們可怕的能量。 儘管赫卡特的獵犬很可怕,但它們也非常忠誠和堅定。 如果我們需要可持續的能源來工作,我們可以喚起這些屬性作為儀式或咒語中使用的對應關係的一部分。 赫卡特的獵犬守衛在冥界和我們低等自我的入口處。 當你熟悉他們時,你會發現他們是你對抗自己恐懼的最大盟友。 當你害怕時,你可以向他們尋求保護。 赫卡特與我們分享獵犬的大量能量。 身高:約16CM Perhaps the dog is the best known of Hekate’s animal companions. In her ancient cults, dogs were associated with her as companions and they were offered to her as sacrifices. Her ‘hell-hounds’ were seen as guarding the gates to the Under World . She is also viewed as having a canine form herself in some of the writings, either as a single dog or even as a triple-headed one. Black dogs in particular were symbolic of Hekate in ancient times, like in this section from “Spell to the Waning Moon” in The Greek Magickal Papyri: "Her fillet, key, wand, iron wheel, black dog. There are other magickal ways that we can access the Under World energy of Hekate’s Hounds in addition to their role as spontaneous messengers. As our companion through our personal Under World, we can call upon them as protector’s. We can utilize their terrifying energy when we need to summon our own inner ferocity. Although Hekate’s Hounds are fearsome, they are also incredibly loyal and steadfast. If we need sustainable energy for a working, we can evoke these attributes as part of the correspondences used in a ritual or spell. Hekate’s Hounds stand guard at the entrance to the realm of the Under World and to our own lower self. As you become familiar with them, you’ll see they are your greatest allies against your own fears. When you are afraid, you can turn to them for protection. Hekate shares the energy of the hounds with us abundantly. Height: appromitaly16CM

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