寧靜現在魔法香水 Serenity Now Magick Perfume


Dijual: 1


就像在浴缸裡長時間浸泡、秋日在美麗的森林中散步、在陽光明媚的地方安靜地小睡、或者長時間深呼氣……一切盡在 1 盎司。 隨身攜帶任何您需要裝瓶的地方! 只需輕輕一噴,世界的重量就會立即消失,您將被帶到自己的和平與安寧的小避難所! 根據巫術食譜(也得到現代芳香療法的支持)專門配製,富含緩解壓力的草藥和精油,像香水噴霧一樣塗抹在脈搏點上,以鎮定神經,緩解恐慌和焦慮。 睡前在枕頭上噴上一層薄薄的霧氣,可以讓您幸福地進入夢鄉。 每瓶含有洋甘菊、佛手柑、乳香、薰衣草、香根草、橙花、檀香、茶樹油和其他植物成分的鎮靜舒緩混合物,以及紫水晶晶體,可進一步放鬆並釋放壓力。 Like a long soak in the tub, a walk in a beautiful forest on a fall day, a peaceful nap in a sunny spot, or a long, deep, exhale... all in a 1 oz. take-anywhere-you-need-to bottle! Just one spritz and instantly the weight of the world falls away and you're transported to your own little sanctuary of peace and tranquility! Specially formulated from Wiccan recipes (which are also supported by modern aromatherapy) and full of stress-relieving herbs and essential oils, apply like a perfume spray to the pulse points to calm nerves and relieve panic attacks and anxiety. A light mist to your pillow just before bed allows you to drift blissfully off to sleep. A sedating and soothing blend of chamomile, bergamot, frankincense, lavender, vetiver, neroli, sandalwood, tea tree oil, and other botanicals along with an amethyst crystal in each bottle for further relaxation and stress releasing power.

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