小紅帽內童卡花香精華 Little Red Cap Inner Child Card Flower Blends Essence


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包括:Fuschia ~ Red iFulva ~ Shooting Star ~ Angel's Trumpet 兒童和青少年的過渡變化 關鍵詞:幼兒 - 青春期 - 成長 Little Red Cap Blend 讓自我發現的興奮充斥內心世界,同時打開意識渠道,作為探索可能滿足他們需求的健康選擇的一種方式,以啟迪、增強和照亮體驗。 關鍵詞:幼兒 - 青春期 - 成長 青春期是我們作為人類第一次意識到我們對塵世存在的責任的時期,並且不可避免地是一個動蕩的過渡時期。在這個進化階段,意志被激活,導致不可預測的情緒波動、叛逆和深深的情緒在沒有適當成熟的情況下出現,無法理解如何平衡能量。孩子需要打破舊結構的束縛,通過挑戰現狀探索新的自由,同時碰撞內部邊界。小紅帽Blend 以自我發現的興奮充斥著內心世界,同時打開意識渠道,作為探索可能滿足他們需求的健康選擇的一種方式,增強和照亮體驗。 Includes: Fuschia ~ Red iFulva ~ Shooting Star ~ Angel’s Trumpet Transitional Changes for Children and Teens Keywords: Toddler - Puberty - Growing Up Little Red Cap Blend floods the inner world with the excitement of self-discovery while simultaneously opening channels of awareness as a means to explore healthy choices that may meet their needs. All children will transition into new states of personal identity and this beautiful blend is made to enlighten, enhance, and brighten the experience. Keywords: Toddler - Puberty - Growing Up Adolescence is the period during which we first sense, as human beings, our responsibility for earthly existence, and, inevitably, it is a time of turbulent transitions. At this stage of evolutions the Will is activated causing unpredictable moods swings, rebellion, and deep emotions emerge without proper maturation to understand how to balance the energy. There is a need within the child to break away from the confines of old structure, explore new freedom by challenging the status quo while bumping up against the interior of boundaries. Little Red Cap Blend floods the inner world with the excitement of self-discovery while simultaneously opening channels of awareness as a means to explore healthy choices that may meet their needs. All children will transition into new states of personal identity and this beautiful blend is made to enlighten, enhance, and brighten the experience.

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