幸運與財富繁榮寶石套件 Luck & Prosperity gemstone kit


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幸運與繁榮寶石系列;聖人和石頭匯集了定制的最受歡迎的寶石,以增強您的運氣,增加您的繁榮,並為您的生活創造更多的豐富。套裝包括 7 顆天然寶石和一個包。寶石有綠色東陵石、虎眼石、拉長石、紅玉髓、紫水晶、黃鐵礦和彩虹螢石。附磁性閉合的盒裝套件。 Luck and prosperity gemstone collection;.Sage and stone has assemble the most popular stones tailored to amplify your luck, increase your prosperity, and create more abundance in your life. Set includes 7 naturals stone and a satchel. Stones are green aventurine, tiger's eye, labradorite, carnelian, amethyst, pyrite, and rainbow fluorite. Boxed kit with magnetic closure.
