復興任務身體乳霜 Rejuvenation Quest BODY BUTTER


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您的追求始於您!這種身體乳霜將幫助您打開思路,並與內在直覺聯繫起來。認識自己並獲得授權,接受自己並立於不敗之地! 晶體描述 Sodalite嵌入直覺石中,可幫助您在精神層面上發現自己,並帶來新的自我和自信感。認識自己並獲得力量。接受自己,並立於不敗之地。這塊石頭激活了喉嚨和第三隻眼的脈輪,從而增強了交流能力和直覺。相信自己的直覺可以幫助您打開通向普遍真理的大門。 氣味說明 桉樹和留蘭香的令人興奮的融合為感官帶來了新的感覺。它既強大又放鬆,將幫助您激活更高的脈輪。我們將這種黃油注入了被稱為“永生植物”的蘆薈精華素。富含可治愈和改善皮膚的維生素,礦物質,氨基酸和抗氧化劑,有助於在使用時帶來力量和寧靜感。 產品信息 使用說明: 輕輕按摩全身或需要大量水分的目標區域。淋浴,沐浴後或睡前使用此產品可放鬆身體。在爬上床之前,請​​等待10分鐘,使油吸收到皮膚中。甜蜜的夢。 配料: 蘆薈,天然乳木果油,香水混合,雲母,葛粉和愛心!此產品含精油。如果您懷孕,母乳喂養或有健康狀況,請在使用前諮詢醫生。 Your quest begins with you! This body butter will help open your mind and connect you with your inner intuition. Know yourself and be empowered, accept yourself and be invincible! CRYSTAL DESCRIPTION Embedded with the stone of intuition, Sodalite, which works to help you discover yourself on a spiritual level and bring a renewed sense of self and confidence. Know yourself and be empowered. Accept yourself and be invincible. This stone activates the throat and third eye chakras to increase communication abilities and intuition. Trusting your instincts helps you open the doors to universal truths. SCENT DESCRIPTION The electrifying blend of Eucalyptus and Spearmint bring a new sensation to the senses. It is powerful yet relaxing and will help you activate your higher chakras. We infused this butter with the healing power of Aloe Vera known as the ‘plant of immortality’. Loaded with vitamins, minerals, amino acids and antioxidants that can heal and improve your skin, it helps bring a sense of strength and serenity while using. PRODUCT INFORMATION Instructions for Use: Scoop quarter-sized amount into clean, dry fingers. Gently massage all over the body, or target areas needing intensive moisture. Use this after a shower, bath or before bed to relax your body. Please allow 10 minutes for the oil to absorb into the skin before climbing into bed. Sweet Dreams. Ingredients: Aloe Vera, Natural Shea Butter, Fragrance Blend, Mica, Arrowroot & love!This product contains essential oils. Consult a physician before use if you are pregnant, breastfeeding, or have a health condition.

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