恢復雲身體乳霜 Recovery Clouds BODY BUTTER


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注入豐富的大麻籽油,這種滋養配方將使您的皮膚美麗柔嫩。富含必需脂肪酸,這種油非常適合幫助治愈妊娠紋,最大程度地減少疤痕和治愈痤瘡。 晶體描述 被稱為最終“夢石”的綠色翡翠增強。它使您可以進入精神世界,深入了解禮儀知識,鼓勵創造力,並實現夢想。用這塊石頭也可以幫助您追逐自己的夢想。 氣味說明 這款鮮活的身體乳霜中的提神茶樹精油和大麻油是您的皮膚新的最好的朋友-大麻油被公認為是世界上最好的平衡油之一,並富含21種氨基酸和脂肪酸,可以使皮膚健康最佳。 。該油是非粉刺性的(不會阻塞毛孔),它具有抗炎特性,可治療痤瘡和鎮靜皮膚。它還具有抗衰老特性,可幫助皮膚保持滋潤和營養。 產品信息 使用說明: 輕輕按摩全身或需要大量水分的目標區域。用石塊幫助冷卻和鎮定皮膚中的炎症,同時幫助油脂下沉。請等待10分鐘,使油脂吸收到皮膚中。 配料: 天然乳木果油,麻油,茶樹精油和愛!該產品包含精油。如果您懷孕,母乳喂養或有健康狀況,請在使用前諮詢醫生。 Infused with rich hemp seed oil, this nourishing formula will leave your skin beautifully soft and supple. Packed with essential fatty acids, this oil is perfect to help heal stretch marks, minimizes scars, and heal acne. CRYSTAL DESCRIPTION Enhanced with Green Jade which is known as the ultimate "Dream Stone". It brings access to the spiritual world, gain insight into ritualistic knowledge, encourage creativity, and dream-solve. Use this stone to help you chase your dreams too. SCENT DESCRIPTION The refreshing Tea Tree Essential Oil and Hemp Oil in this whipped body butter is your skins new best friend - Hemp Oil is known as one of the best balance oils in the world and is filled with 21 amino acids and fatty acids for the optimum healthy skin. The Oil is non-comedogenic (won't block pores), it offers anti inflammatory properties to treat acne and calm the skin. It also is has anti-aging properties and helps the skin stay moisturize and nourished. PRODUCT INFORMATION Instructions for Use: Scoop quarter-sized amount into clean, dry fingers. Gently massage all over the body, or target areas needing intensive moisture. Use the stone to help cool and calm inflammation in the skin while helping the oil sink in. Please allow 10 minutes for the oil to absorb into the skin. Ingredients: Natural Shea Butter, Hemp Oil, Tea Tree Essential Oil & love! This product contains essential oils. Consult a physician before use if you are pregnant, breastfeeding, or have a health condition.
