情感平衡草藥小蠟燭 Emotional Balance Power Votive


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當我們開始相信自己的直覺並加強與神的連結時,就會找到情感平衡。 正是這個生命的泉源使我們充實,讓我們流入我們的命運。 水代表潛意識、夢想、本能和情感的所在。 從這個地方,你會找到通往神聖智慧和更大心靈力量的管道,使你的情緒達到平衡。 祝福:我釋放了讓我處於這種混亂狀態的束縛思想。 我屈服於生命的流動,達到我的平衡。 Emotional Balance is found when we begin to trust our instincts and strengthen our connection with the Divine. It is this source of life that fulfills us and allows us to flow into our destiny. Water represents the sub-conscious, the place of dreams, instinct, and emotions. From this place you will find the conduit to divine wisdom and greater psychic powers that bring your emotions into balance. Blessing: I release the binding thoughts that keep me in this state of turmoil. I surrender to the flow of life, achieving my balance.

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