提升我魔法香水 Lift Me Up Magick Perfume


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誰不能時不時地喝點提神劑呢? 噴一點「讓我振作起來」! 突然你的精神振奮起來! 我創造了這種果味/花香的混合物,以增強幸福感,振奮精神,並在黑暗的日子裡讓創意源源不斷,當陽光消失在雲層下時,我的心情就像天空一樣陰鬱。 讓我想起夏天在花園裡散步的情景,當我感覺有點太腳踏實地時,它給我的精神插上了翅膀。 每瓶都有一顆黃色翡翠水晶 - 幸福、快樂和能量的石頭! Who couldn't use a little pick-me-up now and then? Spritz on a little Lift Me Up! and suddenly your spirit is soaring! I created this fruity/floral blend to enhance happiness, lift the spirits, and get the creative juices flowing during the dark days when the sun is lost under a blanket of clouds and my mood is just as somber as the sky. Reminds me of a walk through the garden in summer and gives wings to my spirit when I'm feeling a bit too grounded. Each bottle features a yellow jade crystal - the stone of happiness, joy, and energy!
