斷鍊器 Rompe Cadena 祈禱粉 (1.25oz) Chain Breaker Rompe Cadena Prayer Powder (1.25oz)


Terjual: 1


打破任何連接和阻塞 說明:在想像你想要的結果時,手裡拿著一小撮祈禱粉。 一旦你感覺到你的祈禱粉充滿了能量,你可以將它燃燒,將它釋放到風中,將它灑在地上,或者將它扔到流水中。 在房間的四個角落和門口灑一些,以防止暗能量進入。 吹氣是通過將少量粉末放入手掌或一張紙上來完成的。 然後將粉末吹向一個人、一個地方或一個方向。 在你自己內在的精神意識、內心平靜和積極轉變中建立心理聯繫。 你必須每天祈禱並冥想你想要的結果。 To break any connections and blockages Instructions: Hold a pinch of prayer powder in your hand while envisioning the outcome that you desire. Once you feel your prayer powder is filled with energy, you may burn it, release it to the winds, sprinkle it on the earth, or throw it into running water. Sprinkle some in each of the four corners of a room and at the doors to keep dark energies away. Blowing is done by placing a small amount of the powder into the palm of the hand, or onto a sheet of paper. Then blowing the powder towards a person, place, or direction. Establish the psychic link within yourself of spiritual awareness, inner peace, and positive transformation. You must pray daily and meditate on your desired result.

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