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Polisi Pulangan & Bayaran Balik
昆達里尼能量水晶香皂 Kundalini Energy 7 oz Crystal Infused Bar Soap
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昆達里尼(Kundalini)這個詞源自梵文 kundalin,意思是“蛇”。 昆達里尼能量通常被描述為瑜伽士必須喚醒脊柱底部的一條盤繞的蛇。 這種能量被認為是宇宙的創造力和能量。 Stichtite 的能量內部將您與愛、仁慈、寬恕和光明的振動聯繫起來。 它促進精神覺醒、成長和發展,並有助於激活昆達里尼能量。 輝石與心臟、第三眼和頂輪相連,這是自然界中獨特且不尋常的聯繫。 它還可以支持展現真實的自我,按照靈魂契約生活,釋放內心深處的情感,讓你更好地表達愛。 柑橘、黑醋栗、菠蘿、蜜露、鈴蘭、睡蓮、香根草、琥珀和桑葚的柔和混合物營造出強大的活力體驗。 產品詳情 注入輝石 具有柑橘、黑醋栗、菠蘿、蜜露、鈴蘭、睡蓮、香根草、琥珀和桑葚的香味。 7 盎司 Kundalini is a word derived from the Sanskrit, kundalin, which means, among other things, "snake." Kundalini energy is often described as a coiled snake at the base of the spine that the yogi must awaken. This energy is believed to be the creative power and energy of the universe. Inside the energy of Stichtite connects you to the vibrations of love, kindness, forgiveness, and illumination. It promotes spiritual awakening, growth, and development, and helps to activate kundalini energy. Stichtite is connected to the heart, third eye, and crown chakras, which is a unique and unusual bond in nature. It can also support manifesting your true self and living according to your soul contract and release emotions trapped in the heart, allowing you to better express love. A soft blend of citrus, black currant, pineapple, honeydew, muguet, water lily, vetiver, amber, and mulberry creates a powerful energizing experience. Product Details Infused with Stichtite Scented in citrus, black currant, pineapple, honeydew, muguet, water lily, vetiver, amber, and mulberry. 7 oz
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