購物滿 HKD 880.00即享免運費優惠!(適用於 本地送貨 )

棕櫚油蠟燭-絕望紫蠟燭 Palm Oil Candle-Despair Purple Candle


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優質棕櫚油蠟準備的深奧香氛蠟燭蠟燭內祈禱厚玻璃蠟燭外殼用於擺脫傷害和痛苦蠟燭將燃燒長達 100 小時。它的尺寸為 2 1/2 寬和 8 1/8 高。燃燒這支棕櫚油蠟燭可以消除一切對您造成傷害或讓您痛苦的事物 Quality Palm Oil Wax Prepared Esoteric Scented Candle Prayer inside candle Thick Glass Candle Enclosure Use to get rid of harm and misery Candle will burn up to 100 hours. It's dimensions are 2 1/2 wide and 8 1/8 tall. Burn this palm oil candle to get rid of everything that is causing harm to you or making you miserable
