水晶球女巫咒語蠟燭 Crystal Ball Witches Spell Candle


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這些極其細緻的蠟燭描繪了一雙戴著戒指和手鐲的巫婆手,手上抱著一個水晶球; 立即被認為是女巫、靈媒和通靈者的傳統占卜工具。 這些蠟燭有三種款式: 通靈 在儀式、咒語工藝、冥想、星體旅行、塔羅牌或其他解讀、能量療癒或其他心靈工作中燃燒時,刺激你的心靈意識。 高階女祭司 是隱藏智慧的守護者──她位於開啟知識的門檻; 通往聖殿內殿的大門。 她是神聖女性的化身,是出生和重生以及超越生死面紗的存在秘密的持有者。 當尋求自己的精神成長和神奇的啟示、神聖的知識時,請燃燒這支蠟燭。 當深入探究自己的潛意識深處時,可以使用它來帶回智慧​​的珍珠,尋找精神啟蒙、內在啟發和解鎖神聖洞察力的鑰匙。 如果您被這支蠟燭所吸引,那麼宇宙正在向您伸出援手,教您一些東西。 女巫季節: 慶祝巫術的秋季儀式,空氣中充滿了魔法和神秘——用這款美味的深色精油混合物慶祝這個神聖而神奇的時刻——黑巧克力、喪葬香料、苔蘚樹林和淡淡的死亡之花。 These incredibly detailed candles portray a pair of witchy hands adorned with rings and bracelets, cradling a crystal ball; instantly recognizable as the traditional divination tool of witches, mediums and psychics. These candles are available in three varieties: Second Sight to stimulate your psychic awareness when burned during a ritual, piece of spell craft, meditation, astral travel, tarot or other readings, energy healing or other psychic work. The High Priestess is the keeper of the hidden wisdoms- she sits at the threshold to initiated knowledge; the gate to the Temple’s inner sanctum. She is the embodiment of the Divine Feminine, holder of the secrets of birth and rebirth, and of existence beyond the veil of life and death. Burn this candle when seeking your own spiritual growth and magical revelations, sacred knowledge. Use when delving deeply into your own subconscious depths to bring back pearls of wisdom, searching for spiritual enlightenment, inner illumination and the keys to unlock divine insight. If you are drawn to this candle, the Universe is reaching out to teach you something. Season of the Witch: to celebrate the autumnal rites of witchcraft, where magic and mystery fill the air- Celebrate this sacred and magical time with this deliciously dark essential oil blend- dark chocolate, funerary spices, mossy groves and a hint of deathly flowers.
