清潔Limpias 7天祈禱蠟燭 Cleansing Limpias 7 Day Prayer Candle


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消除負面影響 進行充滿活力的清潔,消除精神領域的負面影響,淨化氣氛,平息激烈的情感,爭論和對抗。同樣,為了清除您的身體,思想和精神,消除您內部或周圍的負面情緒,停滯或精力充沛的干擾。 一旦您開始感到壓力,請以清晰,溫柔和鼓舞人心的話語與自己交談,這將有助於您在壓力循環中發揮作用並使自己恢復平靜。清除精力充沛的碎屑,以在精神上清理自己。擺脫消滅您生命的負面力量。騰出空間來舉起正能量。 潔淨祈禱:"I ask to be surrounded, filled and illuminated with divine white light to cleanse and purify my energy. To uplift my vibration and support me in embodying my highest divine truth and potential. Cleanse my mind and home of all negative thoughts, suggestions, influences, and energetic debris. I ask that all these issues be reborn into positive healing light. Grant me the strength to walk my path. AMEN.” 說明:用火柴或打火機點燃蠟燭,然後祈禱。您可以隨時熄滅蠟燭,也可以讓蠟燭燃燒到最後。每次您重新點燃蠟燭時,都要祈禱以恢復您的目標。您可以在蠟燭杯上寫下您的名字來個性化祈禱。用黑色記號筆在蠟燭上寫下您的名字或其他人的名字。蠟燭完全燒儘後,您可以扔掉杯子。 該蠟燭大約高8英寸,重1磅4盎司 For Purification Of Negative Influences For energetic cleansing, dispelling of negative influences in the spirit realms, purification of the atmosphere, and calming of fiery emotions, arguments, and confrontations. Also, for clearing your body, mind, and spirit of any negativity, stagnation, or energetic disturbances within or surrounding you. As soon as you start to feel stressed, please talk to yourself with clear, gentle, and encouraging words that will help you intercede in the stress cycle and bring yourself back to calm. Remove the energetic debris to clean up yourself spiritually. Break away from the negative forces that have consumed your life. Make room for an uplifting positive energy to take hold. Cleansing Prayer: "I ask to be surrounded, filled and illuminated with divine white light to cleanse and purify my energy. To uplift my vibration and support me in embodying my highest divine truth and potential. Cleanse my mind and home of all negative thoughts, suggestions, influences, and energetic debris. I ask that all these issues be reborn into positive healing light. Grant me the strength to walk my path. AMEN.” Instructions: Light the candle with a match or lighter and say a prayer of your choice. You can put the candle out at anytime or let it burn to the end. Each time you relight the candle say a prayer to reenergize your goals. You can write your name on the glass of the candle to personalize the prayer. Use a black marker and write your name or another persons name on the candle. After the candle has fully burned down you can throw away the glass. This candle is approximately 8” tall and weights 1 LB 4 OZ
