
滿月許願魔法儀式 Fullmoon wishing Ritual

月份 Month


已售出: 716


定期於每個月的滿月當天助客人施法,希望得到自身祝福及完成指定願望,參加者可把施法費付款過數,之後再把寫好的願望紙在施展儀式前寄到本店或讓本店進行代寫 寫願望的格式如下,每張紙可寫2個願望,每個願望約20字左右 我 ( 自己名字 ) 希望....... 願望紙張大小 白紙3吋*4吋 Our shop have cast a group ritual every fullmoon to help our clients to get what they want in a short period of time. the ritual need a wishing paper, you can send the paper to us or we can help you to write about it. Format of the writing wish I ( name ) wish .......... You can write 2 wishes on a paper and each wish around 20 words Size of the wishing paper 3 inch * 4 inch
