燒腦魔法蠟燭 Brain Burning Magic Candle


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總覺得自己頭腦不清醒,總是沒法把東西好好記好,那這個燒腦蠟燭就適合你來點了,讓你的頭腦變得清晰,把知識內容記下,能作出最正確的決定,適合讀書考試的學生們,也適合工作上有好多東西要兼顧的打工仔 用法:把你的名字和願望寫在白紙上,再把紙張放到蠟燭底,點著蠟燭後許願,一次過讓蠟燭點完 Always feel that my mind is not clear, and can’t always remember things well. Then this brain-burning candle is suitable for you to light. It will make your mind clear, memorize the knowledge content, and make the most correct decision , suitable for students who study for exams, and also suitable for wage earners who have a lot of things to take care of at work Usage: Write your name and wish on white paper, then put the paper at the bottom of the candle, make a wish after lighting the candle, and let the candle be lit all at once
