獅門門戶噴霧 - 打開精神之門,888,表現 Lion's Gate Portal Spray- To Open Spiritual Doorways, 888, Manifestation


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隆重介紹 Lion's Gate Portal Spray - 釋放您的顯化力量潛能! 體驗獅門漩渦的無限能量,以前所未有的強度放大你的意圖並體現你的慾望。 這款儀式噴霧恰逢 7 月 26 日至 8 月 12 日獅門門戶的年度開放,為您生活的各個方面帶來加速提升和深刻轉變。 這款強效噴霧利用 8 月 8 日 (8/8) 達到頂峰的宇宙能量,注入了神聖草藥、水晶和意圖增強精華的強效混合物。 當您將其噴灑在您的神聖空間或您自己周圍時,會感受到魔法的活躍,引導您的表現更快、更清晰地實現。 利用這個天賜的機會與更高的領域聯繫,調整你的意圖,並增強你的表現努力。 使用 Lion's Gate Portal Spray 提升您的精神實踐並踏上變革之旅,這是您解鎖宇宙深刻豐富和可能性的鑰匙。 擁抱魔法,擁抱力量! 我們的限量版獅門精油和噴霧混合物正是您為這個神奇時刻設定意圖所需要的。 配方是為了支持您在獅門及之後的儀式工作而設計的,由椴樹花、沒藥、安息香、柯巴脂、血橙、李子蜂蜜和瑪瑙蜂窩珊瑚片製成。 每款噴霧均精心定制,容量為 4 盎司。 玻璃瓶 Introducing the Lion's Gate Portal Spray - Unleash the potential of your manifestation power! Experience the boundless energy of the Lion's Gate vortex, amplifying your intentions and manifesting your desires with unprecedented intensity. Timed perfectly to align with the annual opening of the Lion's Gate portal from July 26 to August 12, this ritual spray offers accelerated ascension and profound shifts across all aspects of your life. Harnessing the cosmic energies that peak on August 8 (8/8), this potent spray is infused with a powerful blend of sacred herbs, crystals, and intention-enhancing essences. As you spray it around your sacred space or yourself, feel the magic come alive, guiding your manifestations towards fruition faster and with greater clarity. Take advantage of this celestial opportunity to connect with higher realms, align your intentions, and supercharge your manifestation efforts. Elevate your spiritual practice and embark on a journey of transformation with the Lion's Gate Portal Spray, your key to unlocking the universe's profound abundance and possibilities. Embrace the magic, embrace the power! Our Limited Edition Lions Gate Oil and Spray Blend is just what you need in setting your intentions for this magical moment. This formula was created to support you in your ritual work during Lion’s Gate and beyond and is made with linden blossom, myrrh, benzoin, copal, blood orange, plum honey, and pieces of agatized honeycomb coral. Each spray is lovingly made-to-order and comes in a 4 oz. glass bottle
