玫瑰麝香香薰 ROSE MUSK Incense Cones


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玫瑰是愛與和諧的香氣,而麝香則具有性吸引力。玫瑰與女性能量有關,而麝香則具有男性特質。當您希望以一種和諧的方式結合兩種能量時,玫瑰麝香是最好的方式。玫瑰的芬芳會帶來溫柔、愛與和平,而麝香的泥土氣味會幫助自信、決心和情慾。兩者的結合增強了任何氛圍,營造出非常有意義的相遇。當您希望與您的伴侶一起享受超凡脫俗的體驗時,請點燃一支 Kamini 玫瑰麝香。 Rose is a fragrance of love and harmony, while musk induces sexual magnetism. Rose is associated with the feminine energy and musk has masculine qualities. When you wish to combine the two energies in a harmonious way, the rose musk incense is the best way to do so. The fragrance of rose will bring out tenderness, love and peace, while the earthy smell of musk will help self-confidence, determination and lust. The combination of the two supercharge any atmosphere to create a very meaningful encounter. Light up one of Kamini Rose Musk Incense when you wish to have an out of this world experience with your partner.
