瓜達露佩聖母雕像 Our Lady of Guadalupe Statue


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據稱,這一天是 1531 年,聖母瑪利亞向一位墨西哥土著顯現,這是幾次顯現中的最後一次。 直到今天,瓜達露佩聖母仍然是墨西哥身份和信仰的有力像徵,她的形象與從母性到女權主義再到社會正義的一切事物息息相關。 時尚的設計:瓜達露佩聖母被陽光包圍,站在月亮上,腳下躺著一個小天使,非常華麗和優雅。 顏色為黑白 19.5×6.4×8CM It marks the date in 1531 when the Virgin Mary purportedly appeared to an indigenous Mexican, in the last of several apparitions. To the present day, Our Lady of Guadalupe remains a powerful symbol of Mexican identity and faith, and her image is associated with everything from motherhood to feminism to social justice. Stylish Design: Our Lady of Guadalupe features rays of sun surrounded and stands upon the moon, and there is a little angel lay at her feet, Very gorgeous and elegant. Color in black & white 19.5×6.4×8CM
