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甜蜜復仇油Sweet Revenge Oil
已售出: 2
我們的 Sweet Revenge Oil 是為那些受到嚴重傷害,以至於簡單的逆轉技術無法提供足夠結果的人而設計的。我們的 Sweet Revenge Oil 含有以引起不適而聞名的草藥和樹脂。我們對這種混合物有點創意,將古老的不祥藥草與來自古老魔法的藥草(如 Bdellium 和 Cypress)相結合。在古代,Bdellium 被認為是一種非常強大的“攻擊”樹脂,正如著名的阿格里帕所說。 Cypress 與 Cyble 有聯繫,Cyble 是自然界的女神,她統治著黑暗藝術,並因其複仇的力量而被召喚。如果您不害怕與此類法術相關的業力,那麼這種油肯定能滿足您的需求。它由柏樹、黑莓葉、硫磺和許多其他草藥和樹脂製成,裝在 ½ 盎司瓶中。 在執行複仇咒語時,我推薦兩種方法。對於那些關心黑暗魔法的影響的人,我會首先嘗試這種方法,因為它往往會將更惡劣的工作留給神而不是你。 Santa Muerte 是一個很好的請願人物。眾所周知,她對女性非常敏感。因此,如果您是女性,那麼向死神祈禱 (Santa Muerte) 的一份好的請願書可能對您有用。首先,您需要獲得一個黑色的聖誕老人死亡蠟燭。你還需要為她設置一個小祭壇,裡面應該放上白玫瑰等鮮花。她還喜歡某些糖果,如糖果和蛋糕。最後,你需要為她留一碗新鮮的水。 接下來,您需要寫出如何以及誰傷害了您。用甜蜜復仇油塗抹它。您將把它放在一個盤子裡,這個盤子放在黑色死神的蠟燭下面。您還將用 Sweet Revenge Oil 塗抹 Santa Muerte 蠟燭,將油推下 Santa Muerte 人物並遠離您。 這是典型的 9 天法術。有一些特定的 novenas 可以為 Santa Muerte 製作,如果您進行一些研究,您可以找到一些網站,其中提供了可以每天排練的特定段落。或者,您可以簡單地向死神祈禱。我個人認為這些往往效果更好。在您塗抹聖死蠟燭之後,將它與您的請願書一起放在盤子上。點燃蠟燭,說出你的祈禱。讓它燃燒15分鐘。這樣做 9 個晚上,當你完成後把遺體扔進河裡,確保你扔向下游,而不是上游! 第二種方法有點苛刻。您將需要一根黑色小雕像蠟燭,無論是男性還是女性,都將代表對您造成傷害的人。刻上蠟燭敵人的名字。這也是一個9天的咒語。因此,取 9 個釘子並將它們穿過蠟燭。這應該以垂直方式完成,每晚蠟燭都會燃燒成釘子。用 Sweet Revenge Oil 塗抹蠟燭和指甲,將油沿著蠟燭向下推向底部。如果你願意,你可以在蠟燭上輕輕地撒上一點紅辣椒。在一個棕色紙袋上寫下請願書。用甜復仇油塗抹它並折疊 3 次,確保折疊遠離你。把它放在盤子裡,然後把你的黑蠟燭放在上面。當你準備好時,點燃你的蠟燭並背誦詩篇 10 或者你可以簡單地念出這節經文: “破除惡人惡勢力; 懲罰他們做錯的事 直到他們不再這樣做為止。” 這樣做9晚。完成後,您可以將遺體帶到河中或將其埋葬在墓地。我更喜歡墓地方法,因為如果你願意,你可以隨時挖掘它。 Our Sweet Revenge Oil was created for those who have been harmed to such a degree that simple reversing techniques fail to deliver adequate results. Our Sweet Revenge Oil is loaded with herbs and resins known for their ability to cause discomfort. We got a little creative with this blend, combining good old fashioned hoodoo herbs with those from ancient magic such as Bdellium and Cypress. In Ancient times, Bdellium was considered to be quite a powerful “attack” resin as mentioned by the famous Agrippa. Cypress is associated to Cyble, Goddess of the natural world who ruled over the dark arts and was invoked for her power to revenge. If you do not fear the karma associated with such spells, then this oil is sure to meet your needs. Made with Cypress, Blackberry Leaves, Sulphur and a number of other herbs and resins, it comes in a ½ oz bottle. When it comes to performing a revenge spell, there are two approaches I recommend. For those of you who are concerned with the repercussions of darker magick, I would try this approach first as it tends to leave the nastier work up to a deity rather than you. Santa Muerte is a wonderful figure to petition. She is also known to be quite sensitive to women. So if you are a woman, a good ole petition to Santa Muerte may serve you well. To begin, you will need to get a black Santa Muerte candle. You will also need to set up a small altar to her that should include fresh flowers such as white roses. She also likes certain sweets such as candy and cakes. Finally, you need to leave out a fresh bowl of water for her. Next, you will need to write out how and who harmed you. Anoint it with Sweet Revenge Oil. You will place this on a plate that goes underneath the Santa Muerte candle. You are also going to anoint the Santa Muerte candle with Sweet Revenge Oil, pushing the oil down the Santa Muerte figure and away from you. This is your typical 9 day spell. There are certain novenas that can be made to Santa Muerte, and if you do a little research you can find sites that give you certain passages that can be rehearsed each day. Or, you can simply come up with your own prayers to Santa Muerte. I personally think these tend to work better. After you have anointed the Santa Muerte Candle place it on the plate with your petition. Light the candle and say your prayer. Let it burn for 15 minutes. Do this for 9 evenings and when you are finished throw the remains in a river making sure you throw downstream, not upstream! This second approach is a bit more harsh. You will need a black figurine candle, either a man or a woman who will represent the person who has caused you harm. Carve the name of your enemy of the candle. This is also a 9 day spell. So take 9 nails and push them through the candle. This should be done in a vertical manner where the candle will burn down to a nail each night. Anoint the candle and nails with Sweet Revenge Oil pushing the oil down the candle towards its bottom. You may lightly sprinkle the candle with a little red pepper if you so wish. Write out a petition on a piece of brown paper bag. Anoint it with Sweet Revenge Oil and fold it 3 times, making sure that you fold away from you. Place it on a plate and then put your black candle on top of it. When you are ready, light your candle and recite Psalm 10 or you can simply say this verse: “Break the power of wicked and evil people; punish them for the wrong they have done until they do it no more.” Do this for 9 nights. When you are done you can either brings the remains to a river or bury it in a graveyard. I prefer the graveyard method as you can always dig it up should you desire.