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我們的新春分和冬至蠟燭是專門為支持和慶祝每個季節的能量更新而設計的。 在季節中隨時點燃它們即可顯現。 感恩豐富的授權咒語:“我是夢想的收割者,慷慨而感恩。” 讓秋分五穀豐登,你的心田就會成熟。 隨著夏季進入秋季,讓您的能量從夢想流入現實。 當太陽進入天秤座時,它的光芒將引導你找到其他人,幫助你實現夢想。 宇宙正在向你發出奮鬥的願望、實現的成就和學習的教訓,因為你是值得的。 適合搭配: 勝利之峰膏油 至寶皮膚秘法:“力量” 繁榮沐浴球 儀式:沐浴在成功儀式中,《你的直覺引導你來到這裡》一書第 221 頁 我們的月亮蠟燭的頂蓋可以輕鬆取下,您可以將其用作貼紙來提醒您的意圖。 將它放在家裡有意義的地方、日記或任何您想要的地方。 它包含有關特定月球事件的時間和占星資訊。 蠟燭散發著淡淡的香味,裡面鑲嵌著水晶。 採用 100% 全天然且可持續的棕櫚蠟製成。 當蠟燭完成後,你會發現裡面有一塊石頭,它會充滿你的意圖。 如果需要的話,挖出你的水晶。 將它放在你的祭壇上或隨身攜帶,作為提醒你咒語的護身符。 每支蠟燭的石頭都不同,直觀地放入蠟燭中,你得到的就是宇宙想要你擁有的! 請注意:裝飾蠟燭或移動蠟燭可能會擾亂蠟和燭芯。 為了獲得最大的神奇效果,請勿吹熄蠟燭 - 將其熄滅。 為了安全起見,在燃燒時處理蠟燭時要小心,玻璃摸起來可能很熱。 遠離兒童和寵物接觸的地方。 OUR NEW EQUINOX AND SOLSTICE CANDLES WERE INTENTIONALLY MADE TO SUPPORT AND CELEBRATE THE ENERGETIC RENEWAL WITHIN EACH SEASON. LIGHT THEM ANYTIME DURING THE SEASON TO MANIFEST. GRATEFULLY ABUNDANT EMPOWERING MANTRA: "I am the harvester of my dreams, bounteous and grateful." Let the Autumn Equinox yield a bountiful harvest, your fields of intentions will be ripe. With Summer easing into Autumn, allow your energy to flow from dreams into reality. As the Sun enters Libra, its light will guide you to others who will help make your dreams come true. The Universe is sending you aspirations to strive for, accomplishments to achieve, and lessons to learn because you are worth it." PAIRS WELL WITH: Peaks of Victory Anointing Oil Arcana Skin Mystics: “Strength” Prosper Bath Bomb RITUAL: Bathe In Success Ritual, Pg 221 from "Your Intuition Led You Here" Book The top lid of our moon candles comes off with ease and you can use it as a sticker to remind you of your intentions. Place it on a meaningful place at home, on your journal, or anywhere you would like. It contains timing and astrological information about the specific moon event. Candles are lightly scented and dressed with crystals inside. Made with 100% all-natural and sustainable palm wax. When the candle is done, you’ll find a stone inside that will be supercharged with your intention. Dig out your crystal if needed. Keep it on your altar or carry it with you as a talisman reminding you of your spell. Stones vary in each candle and are put in the candle intuitively, what you get is what the universe wants you to have! Please note: Dressing the candle or moving it may disturb the wax and wick. For maximum magical results, do not blow the candle out - SNUFF IT OUT. For safety be careful when handling candle while burning, the glass can be hot to the touch. Keep away from reach of children and pets.
