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統治者瑪莎 (Martha Dominadora) 雕像 4" Martha the Dominator (Martha Dominadora) Statue 4"
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統治者瑪莎因常見的描述而得名。 在許多照片中,她手持火把、聖經和聖水,腳下有龍或蛇。 在民間傳說中,瑪莎通常被認為是唯一的女性屠龍者。 瑪莎因幫助人們主宰某人或某事而享有盛譽。 她的故事起源於法國,傳說那裡有一條危險而致命的龍。 瑪莎只用聖水和十字架就制服了龍。 當野獸被打敗後,瑪莎只用一條腰帶把它綁了起來。 正是由於這一壯舉,瑪莎有能力製服看似不可戰勝的敵人,從而引發了圍繞她的傳奇。 4 吋樹脂瑪莎·多米納多拉雕像 Martha the Dominator earned her name from common depictions. In many pictures, she is holding a torch, a bible, and holy water, with a dragon or snake under her feet. In terms of folklore, Martha is generally regarded as the only female slayer of dragons. Martha has gained a reputation for helping people to dominate a person or a situation. Her story originates in France, where there was, according to legend, a dangerous and deadly dragon. Martha was able to subdue the dragon by using only holy water and a cross. Once the beast was defeated, Martha tied it up using only only a girdle. It was for this feat that Martha’s ability to dominate a seemingly invincible enemy led to the legend surrounding her. 4" Resin Martha Dominadora Statue
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