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羅勒 Albahaca 祝福 7 天蠟燭 Basil Albahaca Dressed & Blessed 7 Day Candle
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為了繁榮、保護和愛 羅勒阿爾巴哈卡祝福 7 天蠟燭是與保護、繁榮和愛相關的精神力量。羅勒在許多文化中被視為神聖的草本植物,象徵富足、好運和精神淨化。這根蠟燭的綠色增強了它與成長、更新和成功的連結。這款蠟燭由精神油、草藥和祝福製成,非常適合清除負能量、吸引財運和培養和諧的關係。 為羅勒的能量祈禱:Sacred spirit of Basil, Protector and bringer of abundance, I light this candle to honor your essence. Cleanse my space of all negativity, Fill my life with prosperity and love, And bless me with growth and renewal. May your energy shield me, guide me, And open the path to success and harmony. Amen." 點燃蠟燭,說出您選擇的祈禱詞,專注於您的意圖,並讓能量支持和賦予您力量。 說明:用火柴或打火機點燃蠟燭,然後說出您選擇的祈禱。您可以隨時熄滅蠟燭,或讓它燃燒至盡頭。每次重新點燃蠟燭時,請祈禱以重新激發您的目標。您可以在蠟燭玻璃上寫下您的名字,以個性化祈禱。使用黑色記號筆在蠟燭上寫上您的名字或其他人的名字。蠟燭完全燃盡後,就可以把玻璃丟掉。 這款 7 天蠟燭高約 8 英寸,重 1 磅 11 盎司 For Prosperity, Protection, and Love The Basil Albahaca Dressed & Blessed 7 Day Candle is a spiritual powerhouse associated with protection, prosperity, and love. Basil, known as a sacred herb in many cultures, symbolizes abundance, luck, and spiritual cleansing. The green color of this candle enhances its connection to growth, renewal, and success. Prepared with spiritual oils, herbs, and blessings, this candle is perfect for clearing negative energy, attracting financial opportunities, and nurturing harmonious relationships. Prayer for Basil’s Energy: "Sacred spirit of Basil, Protector and bringer of abundance, I light this candle to honor your essence. Cleanse my space of all negativity, Fill my life with prosperity and love, And bless me with growth and renewal. May your energy shield me, guide me, And open the path to success and harmony. Amen." Light your candle with a prayer of your choice, focusing on your intentions and allowing the energy to support and empower you. Instructions: Light the candle with a match or lighter and say a prayer of your choice. You can put the candle out at anytime or let it burn to the end. Each time you relight the candle say a prayer to reenergize your goals. You can write your name on the glass of the candle to personalize the prayer. Use a black marker and write your name or another persons name on the candle. After the candle has fully burned down you can throw away the glass. This 7 Day Candle is approximately 8” tall and weights 1 LB 11 OZ
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