美杜莎凝視香皂 Medusa’s Gaze SOAP


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由於她目光凶狠,頭髮蜿蜒曲折,她長期以來一直被神秘和恐懼所籠罩。然而,美杜莎代表的遠不止這些——她是女性賦權和韌性的象徵,一種值得尊敬的力量,一位女神。 設計旨在代表力量、美麗和彈性。內部的白色方解石可促進情緒穩定和減輕壓力,從而增強您的內在力量。它的鎮靜特性可以幫助您以清晰、平衡的心態面對生活中的挑戰。透過教導耐心並提供更廣闊的視角,白色方解石可以幫助您以堅定不移的力量和優雅忍受困難的情況。 產品詳情 注入白色白紋石 散發保加利亞玫瑰、蘭花和東加香草的香味 7 盎司 With her fierce gaze and serpentine locks, she has long been shrouded in mystery and fear. However, Medusa represents much more—she is a symbol of female empowerment and resilience, a force to be honored, a Goddess. Designed to represents strength, beauty, and resilience. Inside White Howlite fortifies your inner strength by promoting emotional stability and reducing stress. Its calming properties help you face life's challenges with a clear and balanced mind. By teaching patience and offering a broader perspective, White Howlite empowers you to endure difficult situations with unwavering strength and grace. Product Details Infused with White Howlite Scented in Bulgarian Rose, Orchid, and Tongan Vanilla 7 oz

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