聖賢天使蠟燭 Sage Angel Candle


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用途:在精神靈感得到淨化,加強你的智慧,增強知識的吸收,讓你不會一錯再錯,不會執迷不悟,在各種事情上都能如意地過活 使用方法:在羊皮紙寫上你遇到問題.把紙放在蠟燭下,點上蠟燭,直到它自行熄滅 蠟燭尺寸:5*11*5CM Purpose: To purify your spiritual inspiration, strengthen your wisdom, enhance the absorption of knowledge, so that you will not make the same mistake again and again, will not be stubborn, and can live a satisfactory life in all kinds of things. How to use: Write on parchment paper what problem you have. Place the paper under the candle and light the candle until it goes out on its own Candle size:5*11*5CM ​
