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自由做我內在兒童卡花混合精華 Free to Be Me Inner Child Card Flower Blends Essence
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包含:向日葵 ~ 芙蓉 ~ 鳶尾 ~ 牽牛花 自信/自我表達/運動 Free To Be Me Blend 打開了靈魂中的通道,支持自信、勇氣和走出去的意願。 沒有什麼比看到孩子的臉像陽光一樣燦爛,心扉敞開,彷彿初升的太陽獨自照耀在他們的心中,更令人欣喜的事了!一個擁有自信的孩子,快樂地與人相處,分享他們的熱情夢想, 並傳達他們想法的喜悅是一份值得一看的珍貴禮物。Free To Be Me Blend 打開靈魂內的渠道,支持自信、勇氣和願意走出去的世界和閃耀。是一個極好的為成長中的孩子們準備的補救措施,他們正在世界上蓬勃發展。非常適合旅行、初戀經歷、冒險、通過舞蹈和運動表達。提醒他們心中閃耀的光芒。 Contains: Sunflower ~ Hibiscus ~ Iris ~ Morning Glory Self Confidence/Self Expression/Movement Free To Be Me Blend opens the channels within the soul where self-confidence, courage, and willing to go out in the world and shine are supported. There is nothing more joyous than to see a child’s face lit up like the sunshine, their hearts open wide, looking as if the rising sun shone in their heart alone! A child who possesses confidence, interacting happily with others, sharing the enthusiasm of their dreams, and communicating the joy of their ideas is a precious gift to behold. Free To Be Me Blend opens the channels within the soul where self-confidence, courage, and willing to go out in the world and shine are supported. The flower remedy is an excellent remedy for children rising up to meet their highest potential, who are thriving in the world. Great for travel, first love experiences, adventure, expression through dance and sports. It’s also great to give to a child who needs a lift and a reminder of the light that shines in their heart.
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