購物滿 HKD 880.00即享免運費優惠!(適用於 本地送貨 )

蝙蝠圖騰儀式小刀 Bat Totemic Ceremony Knife


已售出: 1


蝙蝠通常代表死亡,意味著放棄舊的、引入新的。 它們是過渡、起始和新開始的象徵。 彈簧刀,全長17CM,摺疊後9.5CM, 材質:不锈钢 Bats often represent death in the sense of letting go of the old, and bringing in the new. They are symbols of transition, of initiation, and the start of a new beginning. Switchblade, 17CM in total length, 9.5CM after folding, Material: Stainless steel
